| WindowBase (const WindowBase &rhs) |
void | Attach (HWND handle, NEO_WINDOW_MODE mode) |
template<typename MESSAGE > |
void | Bind (UINT message, void(*function)(MESSAGE &)) |
template<typename MESSAGE , typename FUNCTOR > |
void | Bind (UINT message, FUNCTOR function) |
template<typename CLASS , typename MESSAGE , typename HANDLER > |
void | Bind (UINT message, void(CLASS::*function)(MESSAGE &), HANDLER *handler) |
template<typename MESSAGE > |
void | Bind (const MessageId &message, void(*function)(MESSAGE &)) |
template<typename MESSAGE , typename FUNCTOR > |
void | Bind (const MessageId &message, FUNCTOR function) |
template<typename CLASS , typename MESSAGE , typename HANDLER > |
void | Bind (const MessageId &message, void(CLASS::*function)(MESSAGE &), HANDLER *handler) |
void | Clear () |
void | Create (DWORD exStyle, const tstring &cls, const tstring &text, DWORD style, const Rect &r, HWND parent, HMENU menu, NEO_WINDOW_MODE mode) |
LRESULT | DefaultWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) |
void | Destroy () |
void | DragAcceptFiles (bool accept=true) |
void | Enable (bool enable) |
LRESULT | GenerateMessage (UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) const |
Rect | GetClientRect () const |
DWORD | GetExStyle () const |
HFONT | GetFont () const |
HWND | GetHandle () const |
HICON | GetIcon (bool bigIcon) const |
DWORD | GetID () const |
HMENU | GetMenu () const |
HWND | GetParentHandle () const |
Rect | GetRectOnParent () const |
DWORD | GetStyle () const |
tstring | GetText () const |
Rect | GetWindowRect () const |
void | Hide () |
bool | Invalidate (const RECT *rect=0, bool eraseBkgnd=true) |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsMessageHandlerBound (UINT message) const |
bool | IsVisible () const |
void | KillTimer (int timerID) |
void | ModifyStyle (DWORD add, DWORD remove) |
void | Move (int x, int y, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (const POINT &p, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (int x, int y, int width, int height, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (const POINT &p, const SIZE &s, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (const RECT &r, bool redraw=true) |
| operator HWND () const |
WindowBase & | operator= (const WindowBase &rhs) |
bool | Redraw (const RECT *rect=0, HRGN region=0, UINT flags=RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_ERASE) |
void | SetClientSize (int width, int height) |
HWND | SetFocus () |
void | SetFont (HFONT font, bool redraw=true) |
HICON | SetIcon (HICON icon, bool bigIcon) |
void | SetMenu (HMENU menu) |
void | SetRedraw (bool allowRedraw) |
void | SetText (const tstring &text) |
UINT_PTR | SetTimer (int timerID, UINT interval, TIMERPROC proc=0) |
void | Show (bool show=true) |
void | UnBind (UINT message) |
void | UnBind (const MessageId &message) |
virtual LRESULT | WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) |
| Can be overridden for old school message handling. More...
The big window class that every other class descends from.
It provides functions that are common across all types of windows, like sizing, visible state, redrawing, etc. Normally you wont use this class directly, because the subclasses Window and Control are nicer to use.
The class has different functionality depending on the NEO_WINDOW_MODE used in its creation.
Bind() is supported
Cannot be copied
Destroys its HWND upon destruction
Bind() has no effect
Can be copied
Does not destroy its HWND upon destruction