neo | All declaration for neoWidgets are in this namespace |
ActiveFileDialogIF | |
Bitmap | Bitmap handle |
BitmapData | Wraps the creation of a BITMAP struct from a HBITMAP |
Button | |
ButtonMessageId | |
CaptureChangedMessage | |
CheckBox | |
ClientDC | A client device context allows drawing to the client area of a window |
ComboBox | |
CommandMessage | |
CommandMessageId | |
ComPtr | Smart pointer to COM classes |
Config | Interface for all configuration classes |
Control | Base class for standard Windows controls |
ControlParam | Holds optional control parameters |
CreateMessage | |
CtlColorMessage | |
DC | Unmanaged device context, to allow the user to call IDC functions on arbitrary DCs |
DeviceContextIF | Interface for device context functions |
DibSection | Device independent bitmap |
DropFilesMessage | |
DynamicLib | Encapsulates loading of DLLs |
EnableMessage | |
EraseBkgndMessage | |
File | Contains the basic functions for file reading/writing |
FileDialog | |
FileDialogEvents | |
FileDialogOptions | |
FileSearch | Wrapper for the FindFirstFile API |
iterator | Iterator for STL algorithm integration |
FileSearchItem | Data about a file system item found by FileSearch |
FileTypeFilter | |
Font | Font handle |
FontParams | Font parameters with everything set to default |
GdiObject | Basic GDI class that automatically deletes the handle |
GetIconMessage | |
GetMinMaxInfoMessage | |
GroupBox | |
HatchBrush | Brush handle |
HeaderCtrl | TODO: needs methods |
iniConfig | Configuration that writes to an ini-file |
KeyMessage | |
ListBox | |
ListBoxIF | Common interface for ListBox and ComboBox |
ListCtrl | TODO: needs methods |
ColumnData | Used to get or set values of a list column |
ItemData | Used to get or set values of a list item |
LoadedLib | Retrieves address of already loaded DLL |
MemoryDC | Memory device contexts attach themselves to a bitmap |
Menu | |
Message | Wrap parameters of WndProc in a struct. Can be used for any message |
MessageId | Unified message identifier |
MouseMessage | |
MoveMessage | |
MovingMessage | |
NotifyMessage | |
NotifyMessageId | |
OpenFileDialog | |
OSVersion | |
PaintDC | A paint device context can only be called inside the WM_PAINT message handler |
Path | Manipulation of Windows-style path strings |
PatternBrush | Brush handle |
Pen | Pen handle |
PickFolderDialog | |
Point | Windows POINT structure with constructor |
PrintMessage | |
ProgressBar | |
RadioButton | |
Rect | Windows RECT structure with constructor |
RegistryConfig | Configuration that writes to the Window registry |
SaveFileDialog | |
SaveRestoreDC | Wraps SaveDC in an object oriented way |
ScrollBar | |
ScrollBarIF | Common interface for all scrollbars |
ScrollMessage | |
ScrollMessageId | |
Size | Windows SIZE structure with constructor |
SizeMessage | |
SizingMessage | |
SolidBrush | Brush handle |
StaticCtrl | |
StatusBar | |
StyleChangedMessage | |
TabCtrl | |
TextBox | |
TextBoxIF | Common interface for TextBox and ComboBox |
TimerMessage | |
Window | General purpose window |
WindowBase | The big window class that every other class descends from |
WindowModal | This window can enter a modal message loop |
WindowParam | Creation parameters for the Window class |
WindowPosChangeMessage | |
WindowScrollBar | Represents the scrollbars attached to the sides of a window |
WindowScrollBarH | Horizontal window scrollbar |
WindowScrollBarV | Vertical window scrollbar |
WindowScrollMessageId |