int | AppendItem (const tstring &text) |
Rect | CalculateDisplayArea (const RECT &windowRect) const |
Rect | CalculateWindowRect (const RECT &displayArea) const |
void | Create (HWND parent, const Rect &r, const ControlParam &p=ControlParam()) |
Rect | CurrentDisplayArea () const |
void | DeleteAllItems () |
void | DeleteItem (int index) |
void | DeselectAll (bool excludeFocus=true) |
int | GetButtonFocus () const |
| In button mode (TCS_BUTTONS), the focused button may be different from the selected button.
void | GetItem (int index, TCITEM &item) const |
int | GetItemCount () const |
Rect | GetItemRect (int index) const |
int | GetRowCount () const |
| Only works with TCS_MULTILINE.
int | GetSelection () const |
int | InsertItem (int index, const TCITEM &item) |
int | InsertItem (int index, const tstring &text) |
void | SetButtonFocus (int index) |
void | SetItem (int index, TCITEM &item) |
void | SetItem (int index, const tstring &text) |
void | SetItemSize (int width, int height) |
| Set a fixed size for all tabs.
void | SetMinTabWidth (int width) |
void | SetPadding (int width, int height) |
int | SetSelection (int index) |
void | Create (HWND parent, const tstring &clsName, const tstring &text, const Rect &r, DWORD style, DWORD exStyle, int id, NEO_WINDOW_MODE mode) |
| WindowBase (const WindowBase &rhs) |
void | Attach (HWND handle, NEO_WINDOW_MODE mode) |
template<typename MESSAGE > |
void | Bind (UINT message, void(*function)(MESSAGE &)) |
template<typename MESSAGE , typename FUNCTOR > |
void | Bind (UINT message, FUNCTOR function) |
template<typename CLASS , typename MESSAGE , typename HANDLER > |
void | Bind (UINT message, void(CLASS::*function)(MESSAGE &), HANDLER *handler) |
template<typename MESSAGE > |
void | Bind (const MessageId &message, void(*function)(MESSAGE &)) |
template<typename MESSAGE , typename FUNCTOR > |
void | Bind (const MessageId &message, FUNCTOR function) |
template<typename CLASS , typename MESSAGE , typename HANDLER > |
void | Bind (const MessageId &message, void(CLASS::*function)(MESSAGE &), HANDLER *handler) |
void | Clear () |
void | Create (DWORD exStyle, const tstring &cls, const tstring &text, DWORD style, const Rect &r, HWND parent, HMENU menu, NEO_WINDOW_MODE mode) |
LRESULT | DefaultWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) |
void | Destroy () |
void | DragAcceptFiles (bool accept=true) |
void | Enable (bool enable) |
LRESULT | GenerateMessage (UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) const |
Rect | GetClientRect () const |
DWORD | GetExStyle () const |
HFONT | GetFont () const |
HWND | GetHandle () const |
HICON | GetIcon (bool bigIcon) const |
DWORD | GetID () const |
HMENU | GetMenu () const |
HWND | GetParentHandle () const |
Rect | GetRectOnParent () const |
DWORD | GetStyle () const |
tstring | GetText () const |
Rect | GetWindowRect () const |
void | Hide () |
bool | Invalidate (const RECT *rect=0, bool eraseBkgnd=true) |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsMessageHandlerBound (UINT message) const |
bool | IsVisible () const |
void | KillTimer (int timerID) |
void | ModifyStyle (DWORD add, DWORD remove) |
void | Move (int x, int y, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (const POINT &p, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (int x, int y, int width, int height, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (const POINT &p, const SIZE &s, bool redraw=true) |
void | Move (const RECT &r, bool redraw=true) |
| operator HWND () const |
WindowBase & | operator= (const WindowBase &rhs) |
bool | Redraw (const RECT *rect=0, HRGN region=0, UINT flags=RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_ERASE) |
void | SetClientSize (int width, int height) |
HWND | SetFocus () |
void | SetFont (HFONT font, bool redraw=true) |
HICON | SetIcon (HICON icon, bool bigIcon) |
void | SetMenu (HMENU menu) |
void | SetRedraw (bool allowRedraw) |
void | SetText (const tstring &text) |
UINT_PTR | SetTimer (int timerID, UINT interval, TIMERPROC proc=0) |
void | Show (bool show=true) |
void | UnBind (UINT message) |
void | UnBind (const MessageId &message) |
virtual LRESULT | WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) |
| Can be overridden for old school message handling. More...